Pastor: Bob Richter (904) 945-2961
A small group study of the Word of God.
A time of congregational singing and worship with a Biblical message from the Word of God.
A little less formal evening worship and preaching.
We invite you to an old fashioned time of fervent prayer followed by an informal time of Bible study led by the Pastor.
Sunday School
Nursing Home
Women's Ministry
There is one and only one eternally existing God. He is Omnipresent (in all places at once), Omnipotent (all-powerful), and Omniscient (all-knowing).
God, though only one God, is a Triune being existing as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is the Inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God.
God has revealed himself to us through all of His creation, and specifically through his son, Jesus Christ.
Salvation is by Grace, through Faith alone, Our faith is grounded in the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for our sins and His death burial, and resurrection.
The Church consists of the body of born again believers, scripturally baptized, serving in unity for Christ's sake.
We believe in the eminent return of Jesus Christ at the Rapture for "the Church." Following the rapture and seven years of tribulation on earth, He will return physically with the saints to establish a literal thousand year reign on earth.
Our mission is to be relevant in an ever-changing world while being careful to not compromise the Word of God.
Our vision is to reach the community of Lake City, Florida with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, knowing that it is through Christ alone that sinners are saved and lives are changed, to the glory of God.
It is our goal to be obedient to the "Great Commission," in teaching the true Word of God, making disciples who make disciples, reaching outside the church to a lost society.
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